Dissemination and outreach


Dissemination and exploitation of EpiLipidNET results is one of the most important Action outcomes. Due to its importance, one Working Group (WG5) is entirely dedicated to these activities, focusing on implementation, monitoring and updating of the proposed dissemination and exploitation plan. WG5 actively interacts with the other WGs1-4 from the start of the Action at different levels. WG5 Leader and Vice leader together with Science Communication Manager comprise the Dissemination and Communication Group.

The goals of WG 5 are to reach 4 key target beneficiary groups: (1) the academic community in a wide range of subject areas where lipidomics is relevant and useful; (2) clinicians and medics working on diseases involving dysregulation of the lipidome; (3) the industrial sector where lipidomic information underpins products or product design; (4) the public, in order to educate about how lipidomic research can help understand aspects of health, ageing and disease.

Expected outcomes

  1. Set up a website with pages suitable for specialist and non-specialist readers giving information about (redox)-lipidomics role in health and disease, and analytics, advertise events and training, and include links to published articles as these become available.
  2. Set up EpiLipidNET accounts on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, and identify people responsible in each country to support a multilingual approach. This will facilitate communication both with scientists and the public.
  3. Communication to the scientific community via journals. Joint primary articles resulting from STSMs carried out by Early Career
    Investigators, to be published in Quartile 1 and 2 journals. Joint review articles involving 2 or more teams to overview emerging concepts in (epi)lipidomics and summarize recent findings in the field, bringing together complementary specialities. Some articles will be published individually, while others will be combined into one or more Special Issues.
  4. Presentations at scientific meetings. EpiLipidNET will organize open meetings and training schools. The training schools will disseminate theoretical knowledge, practical skills and good practice to Early Career Investigators. The meetings will discuss current and emerging concepts, and present findings from EpiLipidNET research.
  5. Dissemination to non-academic beneficiaries. Industrial and clinical contacts will be invited to attend the open conferences. Information sheets summarizing relevant findings and protocols will be prepared and distributed.
  6. Information leaflets on the importance of lipids in health and disease will be prepared and disseminated. Generic material will be prepared in English and translated for local use. Teams will organize trips to schools and public speaking engagements appropriate to their local community as well as patients’ organizations.

WG5 Leader

Corinne M. Spickett
Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom

WG5 Vice-leader

Tatjana Ruskovska
Goce Delcev University, Stip, North Macedonia

Science Communication Manager

Sara Tortorella
Molecular Horizon, Perugia, Italy